Sunday, November 25, 2007

Transformational Practices

While at my practicum I noticed something called Transformational Practices. I researched this and it turned out to be different strategies and ways of helping students to achieve literacy success. This approach is used in Peel and includes: Determining Important Ideas, Graphic Organizers and Frameworks, Manipulatives as Thinking Tools and Strategies for Vocabulary Development. Another great resource within the Transformational Practices package is the test-taking skills/EQAO Preparation.

An example of a Transformational Practice:

Determining important ideas - teaching how to determine important ideas and how to distinguish important information at the word, sentence and text levels:
  • find the main idea
  • understand what the author considered important
  • distinguish differences between fiction and factual text
  • identify key ideas or themes
  • distinguish important from unimportant information in relation to key ideas or themes in text
Peel District School Board. (2007). Transformational Practices: Working Together to Achieve Literacy Success.