Monday, October 8, 2007

B stands for Bullying

Throughout my experiences related to teaching as well as working with children in different settings, I noticed a huge incidence of all types of bullying. This is a huge concern for me and I believe that teachers can do a lot to improve the situation. I think it is wonderful that the school boards are getting involved in this matter and sponsoring a variety of programs related to this issue.

Things To Know
  • It is natural for children who are being bullied to feel scared and helpless.
  • Bullying often occurs because children do not have high self-esteem.
  • Do not promise to keep the bullying a secret.
Things To Do
  • Work along with the school, parents and other teachers to deal with the issue together.
  • Model good communication and an unbiased attitude within the classroom.
  • Talk about diversity and acceptance.
Things To Say
  • "Don't fight back, go and tell an adult you trust".
  • Inform parents that it is alright to ask if their child is being bullied or if they are bullying other children.

Peel Committee on Sexual Assault/Peel Committee Against Woman Abuse, November 2002

Activity: Drew, Naomi. (1987). Being Human is Being Special. Learning the Skills of Peacemaking, Jalmar Press.

Read this poem: I look in the mirror and who do I see? My very own person who looks just like me. I look at my eyes, I look at my face, knowing that no one on earth or in space is quite like I am, one of a kind. My body is special and so is my mind. Each person alive has something special to give. We each make a difference each day that we live. I love myself and I love others too. The world is a special place. 'Cause it has me and you.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey Anna,

Bullying is serious, and it's sad but you are seeing such incidences in younger children as well. Knowledge and awareness are key. Many students, though, have begun using the term too loosely and they need to truly undertsand the term, and its seriousness. A fantastic book which I have read to students is called "My Secret Bully." It is a great book, and gives the students perspective.